We would like to share some exciting news with you.
Windsor Chiropractic has been joined by Dr Lisa Sullivan, who has recently returned from Cambodia where she set up a health care program for destitute infants and children. The program, called ‘Two Hands One World’, was based on the healing power of chiropractic.
Lisa found the experience of establishing the Centre ‘eye opening’. She said she was continually surprised by how well the children responded to her gentle techniques. She achieved results with a range of problems – from bizarre complaints to more common childhood ailments including colic, ear infections, and upper respiratory infections.
A growing number of studies support the effectiveness of Chiropractic in helping with these childhood conditions (1). However, we believe Chiropractic is not some cure all, but rather something which helps your body function better, and improves quality of life.
Initially, most people see a chiropractor for back pain, neck pain, and other injuries. But research reports that people being treated for these conditions also experience improvement in other non-musculoskeletal issues, such as digestion, breathing and visual problems (2).
It doesn’t always occur to people that correcting spinal problems before they become painful is about treating symptoms before they start. Studies have begun to unveil the benefits of chiropractic adjustments for people who don't have any pain. Recent scientific research now lends support to the idea that chiropractic correction of spinal problems can aid the immune responses of the body by reducing nerve interference (3). Keeping the
spinal nerves fit may help boost the competence of your immune system. This link is supported by posture studies. It has now been proven that a person’s posture can directly affect their health. An increased forward curve in the mid spine (often manifesting as a forward hunch in the back) or a forward head position can be directly related to general health problems (4).
Chiropractors help tens of thousands of people everyday Australia wide – but we really can’t take the credit. We’ve never cured anyone of anything! What we do is perform a specific spinal adjustment to remove nerve pressure, and the whole body responds by healing itself.
We have been serving this community for over seven years. This week’s addition of Dr Lisa Sullivan is a significant next step for us. Lisa’s postgraduate qualifications in paediatrics and demonstrated commitment to the health of children fit well with our focus on family health.
If you are unsure whether you could benefit from chiropractic care, you can always begin with an in-house spinal screening. The screening costs $25 and enables us to take a look to see if you or a family member have a problem that might respond well to chiropractic care.
In a spinal screening, we undertake two spinal scans – spinal electromyography, which detects muscle tension along the spine; and thermography which detects a component of nerve stress. Our state-of-the-art technology helps us to objectively detect patterns of nerve disturbance, as well as to document and monitor your results.
Our main goal is to find out what’s going on and see if you are in the right place to get the care you need. Our promise to you is that we will either recognise that we are the right people to give you the help that you need, or we will get you to someone who can help you, through our very effective referral network.
A spinal screening is an opportunity to see whether a full examination is required (a complete initial examination costs $85). If we feel from the initial spinal screening that your case would respond well to chiropractic care, then you simply progress to a thorough initial consultation at a time convenient to you. If you continue to that next step, the initial $25 for the preliminary spinal screening will be credited against the total cost of $85, and you will only pay the $60 balance).
Our Centre is called Windsor Chiropractic, located at 65 Eildon Road , Windsor (opposite Windsor Railway Station). Call our office today for an appointment on telephone number 07-3357 3366 and speak to one of our friendly assistants, either Joan, Kym, or Tamara.
Drs Lisa, Kitty & Alan
Improved non-musculoskeletal symptoms (reactions)
Reported after chiropractic Care
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1999 Nov-Dec;22(9):559-64
2002 at the 9th International Conference on Spinal Manipulation in Toronto , Ray Hayek, Ph.D.,
The Impact of Positive Sagittal Balance in Adult Spinal Deformity
Spine.Volume 30(18), September 15, 2005 pp. 2024-2029