Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back to school- Growing pains

Growing pains.
In many ways, the term ‘growing pains’ can be misleading.  Leg aches and pains, or cramping which usually occurs at night, is probably not caused by growing.  Most growing pain we see in clinic seems to come from dysfunction of the pelvis (sacroiliac joints) which creates abnormal muscular tensions all the way down the leg.  The muscular tension can pull on the knees causing further problems or cramping in the muscles. A twisted pelvis can also lead to disc degeneration and rotate the rest of the trunk.

One researcher found pelvic mal-alignment present in 93% of children aged eight to 13. With reduced or altered motion in the sacroiliac joint beginning during childhood, by the time the child is an adult they will have had many years of cumulative micro-trauma into the low back leading to low back pain.

Little things are worth checking out!  This month we are focusing in School Kids Spinal Checks and School Bags.  Ask about our free info packs.